
No matter how old I get I will never be mature. Am not looking for a 'soulmate', am not that 'special lady' or the 'love of your life, and I don't need anymore 'friends'. I am scruffy but at other times gorgeous and sexy, lazy and then very active, often depending on the weather, infact pretty normal, what ever that is?. Do lots of different things with the emphasis towards the artistic/crafty. Have a horse and a pony that I love spending time with. Have 4 grandchildren who are, needless to say, beautiful. What I want is probably too much to ask, a man to be my partner, to give as well as take and to want to be with me. I will put up with your foibles if you will put up with mine. Care for me and about me and I will do the same. If you are interested then get in touch and then we'll see where it goes. By the way don't do beards and moustaches!!!!! Not motivated in the winter, although love the snow, from indoors by the fire. Come spring I burst into life until the end of autummn. Very ecletic in my tastes in music, books, films, I either like it or dont, really no inbetween, not easily convinced to change my mind. Some would say 'bit stubborn'. Outdoor person and do not mind getting my hands, clothes, dirty and will muck in (literally) with anything that needs to be done. So generally in jeans and Tshirts although can look very gorgeous/smart and love a hat. My major vice is my horse and will spend my last penny on him. On that negative side Im no fan of housework and only cook when absolutely necessary. And no I do not need organising, Im happy just the way I am, even when Im not happy. If your prepared to walk with me holding hands or with your arm around me then give me a call

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Kent
City/Town: Tonbridge
Age: 64
Marital Status:
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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