
Lived in Central Africa for 20 years, so am a versatile and flexible person, don't take life too seriously as we are only here once. My glass is always, always half full. I Have been self employed for many years and love the flexibility that allows in my life.
Wicked sense of humor. Quite a strong person, who can be very implusive and decisive. Love my animals, especially dogs and horses.
Extremely loyal to my friends and passionate about everything I am interested in.
Currently working towards the degree I never had the opportunity to do when I was younger.
Love big open spaces, walking and just listening to nature.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Shropshire
City/Town: Shrewsbury
Age: 50
Marital Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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