
hi my name is Debbie, im a mother of 4 grandmother of 7+ another on the way. Now that i find myself single again, after 21 years in a relationship,and my children are all grown up.I can now put time aside for the things i need. i am a careing, loving, and a very romantic person. The man in my life will be treated like a king,(not on a material level).In return all i want is to become his Queen.
Wasn't sure about coming on here at first, thought it was a little calculating looking for a" rich man", In reality im looking for a good man, rich or not. (Him beeing rich would just be an added bonus lol). Having enough to pay the bills without worrying may take the presser off, but it wont buy you happiness if you ar not ment to be together .
Anyway its up to you now. if you like what you see and read then drop me a line. If not the good luck xxxDebbiexxx

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Devon
City/Town: Exeter
Age: 54
Marital Status:
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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