
First of all, one of the most important things in my life, is my family, my children, they of course all grown up now, but still need me from time to time so I get to feel special and needed ! Im very fortunate to no my children have all done well for themselves, so I am very proud.
Im a Lancashire Lass, I was brought up with nothing, and don't expect nothing... Im very independant, very loving and extremly loyal in a relationship, and I dont take to fools kindly.......I love to go away at the weekends if and when I can afford to, and as a single woman, I believe you have to try to give yourself something to look forward to when ever possible, how ever small, the best things in life are free !.
My wish in life would be to meet someone who would love me for me, and I for them.!
I respect people who respect themselves, hate people who cannot be themselves, after all we all come from the same place, and we will all return there, I believe its how you do things in this life, not how you live it, that will give you the rewards, we are all looking for.
I once dated a Millionaire many years ago now, didnt care about his money actually, he was a good person, he asked me to go and live with him in Sussex, the children and I would want for nothing, and I no he would have been true to his word.....unfortunately I didn't love him as he did me, so I had to decline, I no i hurt him, that made me sad... but long term I believe being true to yourself, and the people you love is the key to anyones happiness, without it we have nothing but ourselves, thank you for reading my heart. x

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Lancashire
City/Town: Clitheroe
Age: 56
Marital Status:
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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