
Being extremely modest I find it extremely difficult to blow my own trumpet.......but here goes lol
Im very independent
I have a cool sense of humour which can be extremely witty
Am very direct and to the point.......I will tell u exactly how it is!!!
Honesty is a quality I appreciate and value greatly
I have an inside leg of 32 inches :-0
Love to travel......I get excited just being at an airport!!! ha
Am laid back and down to earth
Like to keep fit mostly Pilates and Yoga
Believe in treating people how u would like to be treated yourself

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: Wales
County: Carmarthenshire
City/Town: Carmarthen
Age: 48
Marital Status: Divorced
Body Type: Slim
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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